
A journey by train

A journey by train Composition Writing

A journey by train is very thrilling. It is quick and it saves time and money. Journey by bus is costly, journey by bus is risky but a journey by train is cheap, safe and comfortable.

During the last winter I had a chance to make a journey by train. I had to go to Khulna to attend the marriage ceremony of my friend’s brother.

I reached Kamalapur Railway Station by rickshaw. It was 7 a.m. I bought a second-class ticket and got in a compartment. It was not so crowded. I had a seat beside the window. With the whistle of the guard, the train started to move at 8-20 a.m.

The train was running at a great speed. I looked out of the window and enjoyed the beautiful sights. So I saw green fields on both sides of the train. Cowboys were tending cattle, children were playing and women were busy with their household work. But all these sights seemed to be moving backwards. They were changing every moment. Inside the train some of the passengers were talking on many topics. Some were reading either a newspaper or a book and some were sleeping.

It was an inter district train named ‘Sundarban’. So it did not stop at all the stations. It stopped only at a very few big stations. So the journey felt very pleasant.

At 2:45 p.m. the train reached Khulna Railway Station. This long journey took only six hours. We can see many things very quickly on a train journey.

I bear the memory of the journey in my heart even today. It gave me much pleasure. Indeed it was one of the most memorable days in my life.

Word Meaning:

journey = যাত্রা, thrilling = রোমাঞ্চকর, costly = ব্যয়বহুল, risky = ঝুঁকিপূর্ণ, cheap = সস্তা, safe = নিরাপদ, comfortable = আরামপ্রদ, winter = শীতকাল, attend = অংশগ্রহণ, marriage = বিবাহ, ceremony = অনুষ্ঠান, reached = পৌঁছেছে, bought = কিনলেন, crowded = ভিড়, beside = পাশে, whistle = বাঁশি, guard = প্রহরী, enjoyed = উপভোগ করেছি, beautiful = সুন্দর, sights = দর্শনীয় স্থান, Cowboys = রাখাল, tending = পরিচর্যা, cattle = গবাদি পশু, household = পরিবারের, seemed = লাগছিল, backwards = পিছনে, changing = পরিবর্তন, passengers = যাত্রী, topics = বিষয়, sleeping = ঘুমন্ত, district = জেলা, stopped = বন্ধ, pleasant = আনন্দদায়ক, reached = পৌঁছেছে, memory = স্মৃতি, heart = হৃদয়, pleasure = আনন্দ, indeed = প্রকৃতপক্ষে, memorable = স্মরণীয়

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