A Street Hawker (Short Paragraph)
A street hawker is a person or a vendor of merchandise who offers goods or services for sale to public places. The sidewalks are filled with street hawkers sell different kinds of goods. Generally we can say that a man who earns his living by hawking goods is called a hawker.
Hawking is not so easy. For this, he works hard. He passes his time mostly by hawking different kinds of goods. Such as -toys, ribbons, fruits, sweets, clothing, newspapers, fancy goods, etc. He goes out early in the morning and works hard till evening. By hawking he earns very little. With his little income he maintains his family. A hawker becomes helpless when he becomes ill. Then his life becomes very miserable. It is a matter of sorrow that most of the hawkers of our country are very poor. Though they work hard, they cannot remove their poverty.
Word Meaning:
street hawker = রাস্তার ফেরিওয়ালা
vendor = বিক্রেতা
merchandise = পণ্যদ্রব্য
goods = পণ্য
services = সেবা
sidewalks = ফুটপাথ
hawker = ফেরিওয়ালা
maintains = বজায় রাখে
helpless = অসহায়
ill = অসুস্থ
miserable = দুঃখজনক
sorrow = দুঃখ
poor = দরিদ্র
remove = অপসারণ
poverty = দারিদ্র্য
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