

Write a Paragraph “Balance Diet”

Diet usually means to change food intake to lose weight and balanced your body and prevent diseases.

A balanced diet is composed of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, high fiber content, vitamins, and more. Balanced Diet is a common term and it is familiar to us from childhood. Generally a diet that has all the essential nutrients and minerals that will keep us healthy is known as a balanced diet. It’s not only keeping our health well but also boosts our immunity system.

A Balanced diet means you need to take balanced food timely. If you take large amounts of carbohydrates and a little amount of protein, then that will not be called a balanced diet.  We must always eat fresh vegetables and fruits and a large amount of water as most of our body is filled with water. Try to avoid eating deep-fried or overcooked food and junk food as it loses all its nutrients.

Remember that a balanced diet contains five essential elements, i.e. bitter, sour, sweet, pungent and salty. Do not eat in excess. When we always consume a balanced diet, we will maintain our physical as well as mental health.  A balanced diet will keep you healthy and fit and it will improve the quality of your life and keep all the illnesses away. So take a balanced diet daily and keep your body fit, healthy and wealthy.

Benefits of Balanced Diet:

  • A balanced diet improves your body functions, strengthens the immune system and balances your weight.
  • A balanced diet meets the nutritional needs of your body.
  • A balanced diet prevents various types of diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure.


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