
good food

Write a Paragraph About Good food

Good food means a food that contains all the elements our body needs to grow properly. All foods are not good food. Good food is that kind of food which can remove our hunger, keep our body sound, prevent diseases, and bring vigor to our body. So, good food is very important and essential for our body. Good food means the right kind of food. It is also called a balanced diet. The right proportion of minerals is contained in this food that our body needs to grow. It is also called nutritious food.

We must remember that we must not eat too much. Eating too much food is equally harmful to our body. It may disorient our stomach and throw our body into severe dehydration. This dehydration may turn us to death. We should also bring varieties in choosing food. Like different vegetables, fruits, fishes, milk, sweetmeats etc. Vegetables and minerals keep our body free from diseases. It is also good for our skin and overall health. Likewise, milk helps us to grow and makes our bones and teeth strong. We must drink safe water as it cools our body in all respects. We should also remember that we do not need the same kind of food in the same quantity and quality every day. It also depends on our growth and physical structure.

Word Meaning:

contains = ধারণ করে, elements = উপাদান, grow = হত্তয়া, properly = সঠিকভাবে, hunger = ক্ষুধা, prevent = প্রতিরোধ, diseases = রোগ, vigor = শক্তি, important = গুরুত্বপূর্ণ, essential = অপরিহার্য, balanced diet = সুষম খাদ্য, proportion = অনুপাত, minerals = খনিজ, nutritious = পুষ্টিকর, equally = সমানভাবে, harmful = ক্ষতিকর, disorient = দিশেহারা, stomach = পেট, severe = গুরুতর, dehydration = পানিশূন্যতা, death = মৃত্যু, varieties = জাত, vegetables = সবজি, sweetmeats = মিষ্টি, diseases = রোগ, skin = চামড়া, overall = সামগ্রিক, likewise = একইভাবে, bones = হাড়, cools = শীতল

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