Boost Up The Security Of Your Website?
A good advertising agency is one who understands the importance of security especially if it is a digital marketing agency Dubai where technology is greatly appreciated. If you are a website owner or operator, here is the answer to the “how to boost up the security of your website?” question.
Set up a firewall
This is the basic step to ensuring internet security. Speaking in layman terms, a firewall is similar to a gatekeeper. Like a gatekeeper, up oversees what comes in and goes out of your website. It helps to scrutinize what goes in and out of your website. It will help sift out what is considers a threat. You should use a software to set up a firewall if you your website does not currently have a firewall.
Avoid generic or easy to guess ot reusing old passwords
Most often than not, most threats to internet security are usually as a result of human error most often than not. It is usually your mistake that gives hackers a way into your website. Most of the websites hacked usually have easy to guess or old passwords. You should avoid using passwords that certain details about you can easily give off (your name, date of birth, etc). You should also avoid using old passwords. You can get a password manager to help you manage your passwords.
Audit and check for updates regularly
One thing you need to understand is that hackers are constantly looking for new ways to bypass your security. To keep you in the fight, you need to be able to identify the weaknesses in your own website security before they do. If they discover it first, you will end up playing catch up. Always do regular check up to identify weak areas in your website, absurd features and quickly fix them.
Use HTTPS security protocol and restrict levels of access
HTTPS websites are the new norm especially in terms of website security. You should ensure that your website have the HTTPS security protocol. Some web browsers will even block their users from website if it is just a HTTP instead of HTTPS website. You should also restrict the level of access your website operators have to the admin part of your page. This will help to reduce the risk of security threats.
Use a safe web hosting plan and do not use one host for multiple websites
Your web host is responsible for keeping your website accessible to individuals using the internet. While it is economical to use one hosting plan for multiple websites, it is not the best line of action in terms of security. Most internet operators are usually tempted by the idea of “unlimited hosting plan” and are usually quick to subscribe to it. This is not the best as a single problem affecting your web host can easily affect all your websites. In addition, also ensure that your web host is one that has your back. Your web host should be one that provides you with adequate technical support even at “odd hours”.