Logo align center in zencart:
By default, the logo is left aligned. Changing the alignment involves making a modification to your includes/templates/CUSTOM/css/stylesheet.css. Open the file and find the following:
#logo, .centerBoxContents, .specialsListBoxContents, .categoryListBoxContents, .centerBoxContentsAlsoPurch, .attribImg {float: left;}
Since this is a collection of several “selectors” (#logo, .centerBoxContents, etc) and in order not to interfere with the layout of other sections, split this into two separate statements and create a new selector/definition below it, like this:
.centerBoxContents, .specialsListBoxContents, .categoryListBoxContents, .centerBoxContentsAlsoPurch, .attribImg {float: left;}
#logo {float: left;}
To center it use text-align: center; or to align it to the right use float: right;
Make the needed changes, save the file to includes/templates/CUSTOM/css/stylesheet.css and upload to your server.
NB: When you edit the file be careful because all are php file. If any code/word deleted all website will be mess. It may happen for your careless.