
My Dream of Life

My Dream of Life

Everyone has a dream of life. Different persons have different dreams. Some wants to be a doctor, some wants to be engineers and others want to be teachers and so on. But my dream is to become a doctor, specially a child specialist.

There are some reasons for which I want to be a child specialist. So far as I know and believe there is sever scarcity of child specialist in our country. Most children die uncared and untreatable. Besides ours is a poor country. Here people live in extreme frosty. They cannot manage their equate meals a day, late alone medical treatment. I want to treat the poor children free of cost. To cherish my dream I will take admission. After the completion of MBBS, I will take admission in a medical college. Then I will work to make children fit and healthy.

Success in life depends much on the proper choice for a profession. I am very much hopeful that they will be happy getting my treatment.

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