How to create a sleek look rounded push-button in Photoshop? See the final push button bellow. You will able to create your own rounded push button just following my simple step by step tutorial and tips.
Step One:
Open Photoshop and create a new document by pressing Ctrl+N from keyboard or go to file>New and in the size box put 70px X 70px. Now take a new layer and select Elliptical Marque Tool (M), draw a bit bigger circle. Fill the circle with any color. Now it is time to apply Gradient Overlay.
Gradient Overlay:
Step Two:
Again take a new layer and select Elliptical Marque Tool (M), draw a relatively smaller than earlier circle. Fill the circle with any color. Now apply the gradient overlay as you applied for the first (bigger circle) but now select the gradient color opposite way. See the bellow picture.
This is the trick just color selection opposite to each other circle. Now position the smaller circle on to the middle position of bigger circle and save the document as your desired extension. I saved it as .gif.
Another way you can make it perfection by selecting first Layer > Align Layers To Selection > Horizontal Centers and apply this action for both layer will automatically center the both circle. See the push button bellow.
PSD free download push button and you can edit color and use as your own anywhere you want. In the bellow I design a set of push button. You can download this set of button also.
PSD free download push button set and edit as you required and can use one for you.
The picture above you see I just duplicate the layer and make this set of push button just edit the color. You can do easily. Hard round push button bellow. Now it is ready for your psd free download file and customization.
Additionally Tips Bangla Tutorial website gives you the opportunity to share your feelings with your nearest people. See the funny picture bellow have fun and psd free download file and can edit as you required, change color, add text do fun with this picture.