Completely remove default logo from zencart.
If you don’t want to show or use the default logo. Go to
includes/templates/template_default/common/ and edit tpl_header.php . You can use filezilla.
Find and comment out this line of code by adding
“<!- -” at the beginning,
“- ->” at the end of the code.
Add “//” between the words php and echo, as shown below without quote.
Find the code
<div id=”logo”>
<?php echo ‘<a href=”‘ . HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . ‘”>’ . zen_image($template->get_template_dir(HEADER_LOGO_IMAGE, DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,’images’). ‘/’ . HEADER_LOGO_IMAGE, HEADER_ALT_TEXT) . ‘</a>’; ?>
and replace the code with
<!– <div id=”logo”>
<?php // echo ‘<a href=”‘ . HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . ‘”>’ . zen_image($template->get_template_dir(HEADER_LOGO_IMAGE, DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,’images’). ‘/’ . HEADER_LOGO_IMAGE, HEADER_ALT_TEXT) . ‘</a>’; ?>
</div> –>
After that save the file. Upload the edited tpl_header.php file to
includes/templates/CUSTOM/common/ into your server. Enjoy permanently removed default logo from eCommerce site (zencart).