Student Life “Write a Composition”
Clues: Introduction-Importance of student life- First and foremost duty of a student- Some other duties – What students should avoid.
The period of life we spend to receive education is called student life. It is the best period of our life. The success and happiness in life depend on how we make the best use of this period. If a student uses this time property, he will be happy and prosperous in his later life. If he does not do so, it will bring sorrows and sufferings for him in the long run.
The first and foremost duty of a student is to devote himself to his studies. He has to make the proper use of time and has to work punctually. Otherwise, he will feel quite helpless in the struggle of life. He must not waste his time and energy for anything other than his studies.
Besides education, a student has many other things to do in society. He should take part in all social activities that are related to the progress of the society. During the time of natural calamities like cyclones and floods, he has to come forward to stand by the distressed and the suffering people of the society. He can also do a lot to remove the illiteracy of the people of his locality.
At present, the student community, in general, has been involved in politics. Political parties and the so-called leaders are using them to achieve their own nefarious objects. It is very sad to note that by involving themselves in politics directly most of the students are spoiling their valuable lives. Hence students must not involve themselves in politics in any way.
Really student life is the most valuable period of our life. So it is the duty of every student to utilize every moment of his time to build up a successful career for the future.
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