
Tree Plantation

Tree Plantation

Tree plantation is the process of transplanting tree seedlings generally for forestry, land reclamation or landscaping purposes. Trees are a natural gift for human beings. Trees are our bosom friend without which we cannot think about our human life. They give us food and wood, shade and shelter. They give us oxygen. Tree save us from various natural calamities like storms, drought, and flood. Not only have those, trees bear a great impact on our climate. So they are our life saving friends. But some illiterate persons are cutting down trees randomly. As a result the climate of our country is changing day by day. Temperature is rising rapidly. Our agriculture fully depends on rainfall.

On the other hand, our national economy depends on agriculture. Because of cutting down trees randomly, rainfall is decreasing. So, our loving motherland is going to be turned into a desert. Ecological balance is going to be imbalanced. If we want to save our country from a great disaster, we should make a social movement against deforestation. It is important to launched tree plantation program immediately throughout the country without any delay.


Tree Plantation

Tree plantation means planting trees. Planting trees has a great necessity in our life. Trees give us food, shelter, and oxygen. They make the land fertile and save the land fertile. Trees save the land from erosion. We get timber from trees. This timber is used in making houses, boats, ships, furniture etc. They save the house from storms, cyclones, etc. They also give shade, and protect us from the Scorching heat of the sun. Many trees give us fruits.

They help to cause rain and help cultivation. They prevent a region from becoming a desert. Trees are essential to human life. They prevent air pollution. They also add to the beauty of nature. Trees are, therefore, valuable assets to the country. So planting trees is a must for us. The months of June and July are the proper time for planting trees. Every person in his home should plant trees. Shady and fruit trees should be planted by the sides of the roads, ponds, dams and rail away  lines, in the schools and colleges. The first week of July is observed as tree plantation week.

We should plant-more and more trees. At the same time we should make fences around the plants to protect them from the dangers of animals and little boys and girls. Again, we can do this by raising public consciousness. Without protection of plants and trees, we shall not be able to make the plantation movement a success.


Word Meaning:

Tree plantation = বৃক্ষরোপণ, transplanting  = প্রতিস্থাপন, seedlings  = চারা, forestry = বনায়ন, reclamation = পুনরুদ্ধার, bosom = হৃদয়, shelter = আশ্রয়, calamities = বিপর্যয়, storms = ঝড়, illiterate = নিরক্ষর, agriculture = কৃষি, motherland = মাতৃভূমি, ecological = পরিবেশগত, imbalanced = ভারসাম্যহীন, disaster = দুর্যোগ, launched  = চালু, Scorching  = ঝলসে যাওয়া, erosion = ক্ষয়, timber = কাঠ, cultivation = চাষ, Shady = ছায়াময়,

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