
Water Pollution

Write a Paragraph “Water Pollution”

Water is life” and we can’t pass a moment without water. It is well known to all of us. It is a vital element of our environment. But it is a matter of regret that water is getting polluted day by day in many ways. Water pollution is a serious environmental problem prevailing in our society.

It can be polluted in many ways. Such as

  • Firstly throwing waste and filth into water.
  • Using chemical fertilizers and insecticides in the field.
  • Throwing oil, food waste, and human waste into the rivers from steamers, boats, and launches.
  • Insanitary latrines on the banks of the rivers and canal and drains running into the rivers.
  • Poisonous chemicals are used in mills and factories.

Polluted water is very harmful as it causes death threatening diseases like diarrhea, cholera, jaundice, etc. It kills the fishes of the river. Clean water is safe for use. We can prevent water pollution in many ways. First of all, the government should come forward to solve the problem. We should make the people aware of the matter. To prevent water pollution, public awareness is the major key. Strict rules need to be applied properly by law enforcement organizations. Mills and factories should not throw the waste and damaged products into rivers and canals. Steamer, motor launches, and sailboats should not throw oil, food waste and human waste into the rivers and canals. We should not build unsanitary latrines on the banks of the rivers and canals.

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