Science in everyday life / Wonder of science
Every day we come across several wonders of science. We live in an age of science. We can see the wonder of science around us. Science has made our life easy and comfortable. We cannot think of our modern life without science.
The first wonder of modern science is the discovery of electricity. It has changed our life, society, and culture. It is a great source of power and energy. Radio, television. light, fans, electric irons, mills, factories and refrigerators- all work through the power of electricity. Computer is one of the greatest inventions of science without which we cannot think about our modern life.
Science has made our communication easy and short. We can keep the whole world in our hands by using a mobile phone. On the seas, rivers, roads there are ships, launches, boats, trains, buses, cars etc. These all are the gift of science. Telegraph, telephone, fax, and wireless- are also some important means of communication. These have made the world closer to us. Trains, steamers, aero plane buses, etc. have made the communication quick and easy.
Science has done much in the field of agriculture. The use of scientific instruments, fertilizer, and insecticide has improved agriculture. Science has conquered diseases by inventing various medicines, x-ray, cardiograph, microscope etc. relieved human suffering.
Science has discovered many things for our recreation. We use cinema, television, and radio, tape recorder, V.C.R etc. for recreation. Our clothes and many other essential products like paper, pens, etc. are possible to make only because of science.
Nowadays, we can’t think of human life without science. But we should use it intelligently. Science is undoubtedly a blessing to us. But sometimes it appears to us as a curse of life.
Word Meaning:
wonders of science = বিজ্ঞানের বিস্ময়, Science = বিজ্ঞান, Wonder = আশ্চর্য, comfortable = আরামপ্রদ, discovery = আবিষ্কার, electricity = বিদ্যুৎ, society = সমাজ, culture = সংস্কৃতি, greatest = সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ, inventions = উদ্ভাবন, modern life = আধুনিক জীবন, communication = যোগাযোগ, agriculture = কৃষি, scientific = বৈজ্ঞানিক, instruments = যন্ত্র, fertilizer = সার, insecticide = কীটনাশক, conquered = জয়ী, diseases = রোগ, inventing = উদ্ভাবন, medicines = ওষুধগুলো, cardiograph = কার্ডিওগ্রাফ, microscope = মাইক্রোস্কোপ, relieved = অব্যাহতিপ্রাপ্ত, human = মানব, suffering = কষ্ট, recreation = বিনোদন, clothes = বস্ত্র, essential = অপরিহার্য, products = পণ্য, possible = সম্ভব, nowadays = আজকাল, intelligently = বুদ্ধিমত্তার সাথে, undoubtedly = নিঃসন্দেহে, blessing = আশীর্বাদ, appears = প্রদর্শিত, curse = অভিশাপ
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