
My Birth Day

Write a paragraph about My Birth Day

My Birth Day

A birthday is a day in each year when somebody was born. This is a memorable day in one’s life. Children around the world have fun on this day. My birthday is on 13th March. Usually my parents celebrate my birthday with a party. I invite my friends and relatives to attend the party. My friends and I wear new clothes, play games, sing songs and enjoy the day in different ways. He decorate my room with balloons and festoons. My mother and aunt remain busy preparing delicious dishes.

Usually a huge cake is ordered from the market and brought in due time. The party starts with the cutting of the cake. A chorus song starts wishing me ‘Happy Birthday to you.’ Then plates of delicious dishes are served. We all sit and eat together. After eating, we all join in cutting jokes and making merriments. This is how; I enjoyed my birthday.

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